
In the previous section, we considered only simple values, like integers. However, in real-world Rust programs, we work with more complex data structures that allocate resources on the heap. When we allocate resources, we need a strategy for de-allocating these resources. Most programming languages use one of two strategies:

  1. Manual Deallocation (C, C++): The programmer is responsible for explicitly deallocating memory, e.g. using free in C or delete in C++. This is performant but can result in critical memory safety issues such as use-after-free bugs, double-free bugs, and memory leaks. These can cause crashes, memory corruption, and security vulnerabilities. In fact, about 70% of security bugs in major software products like Windows and Chrome are due to memory safety issues.

  2. Garbage Collection (OCaml, Java, Python, etc.): The programmer does not have to explicitly deallocate memory. Instead, a garbage collector frees (deallocates) memory by doing a dynamic analysis that detects when no further references to the data remain live. This prevents memory safety bugs. However, a garbage collector can incur sometimes substantial run-time performance overhead.

Rust uses a third strategy—a static (i.e. compile-time) ownership system. Because this is a purely compile-time mechanism, it achieves memory safety without the performance overhead of garbage collection!

The key idea is that each resource in memory has a unique owner, which controls access to that resource. When the owner's lifetime ends (it "dies"), e.g. by going out of scope, the resource is deallocated (in Rust, we say that the resource is dropped.)

Heap-Allocated Strings

For example, heap-allocated strings, of type String, are managed by Rust's ownership system. Consider the following example, which constructs a heap-allocated string and prints it out.

This code prints hello.

The String::from function allocates a String on the heap. The String is initialized from a provided string literal (string literals themselves have a more primitive type, &str, but that detail is not important here.) Ownership of this string resource is moved to the variable s (of type String) when String::from returns on Line 2.

The println! macro does not cause a change in ownership (we say more about println! later.)

At the end of the main function, the variable s goes out of scope. It has ownership of the string resource, so Rust will drop, i.e. deallocate, the resource at this point. We do not need an explicit free or delete like we would in C or C++, nor is there any run-time garbage collection overhead.

Hover over the lines and arrows in the visualization next to the code example above to see a description of the events that occur on each line of code.


In the example above, we saw that ownership of the heap-allocated string moved to the caller when String::from returned. This is one of several ways in which ownership of a resource can move. We will now consider each situation in more detail.


Ownership can be moved when initializing a binding with a variable.

In the following example, we define a variable x that owns a String resource. Then, we define another variable, y, initialized with x. This causes ownership of the string resource to be moved from x to y. Note that this behavior is different than than the copying behavior for simple types like integers that we discussed in the previous section.

This code prints hello.

At the end of the function, both x and y go out of scope (their lifetimes have ended). x does not own a resource anymore, so nothing special happens. y does own a resource, so its resource is dropped. Hover over the visualization to see how this works.

Each resource must have a unique owner, so x will no longer own the String resource after it is moved to y. This means that access to the resource through x is no longer possible. Think of it like handing a resource to another person: you no longer have access to it once it has moved. For example, the following generates a compiler error:

fn main() {
    let x = String::from("hello");
    let y = x;
    println!("{}", x) // ERROR: x does not own a resource

The compiler error actually says borrow of moved value: x (we will discuss what borrow means in the next section.)

If we move to a variable that has a different scope, e.g. due to curly braces, then you can see by hovering over the visualization that the resource is dropped at the end of y's scope rather than at the end of x's scope.

This code prints hello on one line and Hello, world! on the next.


As with binding, ownership can be moved by assignment to a mutable variable, e.g. y in the following example.

When y acquires ownership over x's resource on Line 4, the resource it previously acquired (on Line 3) no longer has an owner, so it is dropped.

Function Call

Ownership is moved into a function when it is called with a resource argument. As an example, below we see that ownership of the string resource in main is moved from s to the takes_ownership function. Consequently, when s goes out of scope at the end of main, there is no owned string resource to be dropped.

This code prints hello.

From the perspective of takes_ownership, it can be assumed that the argument variable some_string will receive ownership of a String resource from the caller (each time it is called). The argument variable some_string goes out of scope at the end of the function, so the resource that it owns is dropped at that point.


Finally, ownership can be returned from a function.

In the following example, f allocates a String and returns it to the caller. Ownership is moved from x to the caller, so there is no owned resource to be dropped at the end of f. Instead, the resource is dropped when the new owner, s, goes out of scope at the end of main. (If the String were dropped at the end of f, there would be a use-after-free bug in main on Line 9!)

This code prints hello.